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lion king anthro
»Zootopia comics Sunderance TheWyvernsWeaver Kulkum Zootopia characters Judy Hopps Nick Wilde Finnick перевел сам Zootopia фэндомы
Sunderance. Глава 20.1: В пещере горного короля
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Примечание автора:
Глазки яркие зажглись
Ушки при-
Ждут они, когда призыв
К веселью прозвучит
Примечание переводчика:
Источник цитаты в примечании автора – в комментариях.
Zootopia characters Nick Wilde Judy Hopps Zootopia Story Neytirix artist Zootopia comics длинный комикс длиннопост Zootopia фэндомы
Zootopia Story
На реакторе уже есть разрозненные фреймы этого комикса и не все. Поэтому собрал все в один пост.
She couldn't believe he was alive...after all this time
"Nick..what have they done?"
Judy was exhilerated to see Nick well enough to get back into the field
Maybe that was why she never noticed...
We'll catch them...I promise.
It was suppose to be just another normal day...
how could this happen?
Flesh torn
body changed
Reborn or Rearranged?
"Nick they're dead"
"Please stop"
"I'm sorry"
"The buzzing wont stop...where are you little bee?
Come to me, come to me
little honey bee~"
"JUDY!!Judy listen!! I'll be alright!!
Don't worry about me!! Please!!
Wait for me.
No. You can't do this.
Stay away. Please.
But Sir..why? Why would you do this?
Why would you risk it?"
"Hmph...even I can see this is wrong.
He doesn't deserve what's coming.
Even though it was for only a short while, Nick was still a cop... and a good one at that."
"This is all I can do for you.
You only have one chance at this.
Don't stuff it up."
"I won't. I had the best teacher."
"What's this? Little bunny stumbled into the lions den?"
"Cept we aren't as accommodating as them lions."
Transfer Day.
It's here.
It's time.
You've come, haven't you?
You're here.
What are you waiting for?
Hurry up and get out here
You dumb fox!
I only let you think that
It's time to stop playing nice
If you know what's good for you...
you WILL stay down.
He was always alive. He knew that.
But now, he felt it too.
Zootopia characters Zootopia comics Nick Wilde July Hopps Judy is dead AU Zootopia AU mead перевел сам Перевод Zootopia фэндомы
Решил обновить эту часть комикса. Финальная версия автора + улучшенный перевод + post scriptum от автора. Если народу так нравится больше, я буду выкладывать перевод именно готового варианта, а не черновиков автора. Черновая версия следующей части уже есть, так что решайте.Автор - mead(mistermead) - http://mistermead.tumblr.com
Ссылка на предыдущую часть - http://zootopia.reactor.cc/post/2675297
"Dude, it’s been decades, most animals would’ve moved on by now. Sometimes I think the chief just ain’t right…"
"Чувак, уже не один десяток лет прошел, большинство животных уже давно бы начали двигаться дальше. Иногда мне кажется, что с шефом просто что-то не так..."
Sativus в данном контексте именно одомашненная морковь, а не шафран как было в прошлом переводе.
*FoRep - Fox Repellant - отпугиватель лис. Своего рода перцовый балончик, впареный под данным брендом жителям Bunnyburrows.Касательно вопросов по поводу репеллента и почему Когтяузер стал коровой, вот слова автора:
Since it’s clearly a point of a lot of interest, let’s just assume that Fox Repellant is a mace-like spray that will work on anything with eyes and a nose, but that it was originally advertised to the Bunnyburrow market and the original name kind of got grandfathered in. This is nothing new, over here there’s a popular moisturizing skin lotion that still has a name that translates to something like “udder moisturizer”.
Автор решил просто сделать неожиданный поворот. Однако, он ссылается на фанарт о том, как Когтяузер решил замутить с дочерью Бого, как на вполне хорошее объяснение. На вопрос "Как из этого получилось такое?" автор ничего не говорит. Включайте своё больное воображение.
I put in the twist at the end for no other reason than I like twists and it made me feel oh so clever to add it. In hindsight I think it was a mistake, it’s so confusing for many that it detracted from the strip. A lot of commenters seem to think it’s a reference to some peculiar crossover fanart, which is certainly a perfectly good explanation. Else it does need some mental gymnastics to make any sense of, what’s your favorite theory?