LoL Comics :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: Night's Aegis :: фэндомы

Night's Aegis LoL Comics ...League of Legends фэндомы 

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Summoners hid dark \ secrets from the people of Valoran, I'm guessing you've heard about them And I think there’s something big heading our way, and Katarina may hold information^oncerning it. But revenge blinds her, so I have I thank you for your consideration but we already dealt with Noxus in

Of all the dogs in existence... I get the fiercest 'jn .■ Sinister Blade, |\ surrender and face justice or die where you stand. ¿S' ones... \ \ I - /i don’t''* i think I I’m sorry, I have no time for your games M The poison, right ? . I don’t think you understand the situation have

Was it...?J \[7 Yes... The^ f I Shadow Blade It is no use to run after her for now if Zed is still around. We may fall into a trap. > Let’s just wait... She has nothing else J to do in Ionia and we already J . know her destination. I" —l\ What are ou lookin: for, red lady ? What lies beneath

How unexpected. What brings the Might of Demacia to Ionia ? ^^There is no celebrations yet. i think i a know what W you’re refer- y ring to. The \ murders, by the hands of the Sinister Blade ? My apologies.^ I wish I could have sent / word about my arrival, duchess, but \ * the things, have

Ionia is still part of this world. And as long as you refuse to look the snake in the eyes, it may bite you from behind. However I won’t go against your will and I will leave if my presence k here is not wanted. But your presence has no meaning in these lands. I’m not dismissing , you. A

summoners no matter who they are Ive made all this way to understand what’s V in your mind V Sinister Blade. Well well... Garen Crownguard. The vanguard’s captain so called “Might ^ of Demacia” Does your father’s disappearance justify so much blood spill ? They would have been punished one

; game is over CrownguarcL,Night's Aegis,LoL Comics,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы

When she came to solve the plot about Relivash along with the prince...? I won’t kill you, Because I > actually owe you But I won’t repay the favour again Farewell v,); / If you I follow You look weakened by your fight, j Looking for something ? I’m not..l going anywhere for now How does

Summoners hid dark \ secrets from the people of Valoran, I'm guessing you've heard about them And I think there’s something big heading our way, and Katarina may hold information^oncerning it. But revenge blinds her, so I have I thank you for your consideration but we already dealt with Noxus in the past. The Kinkou are searching for the Sinister Blade as \ we speak I'm afraid not I’ve come to offer assisse tance to ^ Ionia. A noxian threat is upon you and... But hold on a second, you came for her, didn’t you? This does not only concern human lives It could be connected to other matters. Honestly yes. 1 , 7^ ^ * I can t relay any m formation to you, I’m sorry. Not that I don’t want to but this is a domestic matter, and concerns the ^ ^ ^ Ionian people only. / f \ ]/ You better meet the Duchess before doing anything reckless . (fix I don’t know, I think I could . Her village isn’t far from here, just follow the light of the mid day^-*
Of all the dogs in existence... I get the fiercest 'jn .■ Sinister Blade, |\ surrender and face justice or die where you stand. ¿S' ones... \ \ I - /i don’t''* i think I I’m sorry, I have no time for your games M The poison, right ? . I don’t think you understand the situation have many options left, sorry kiddos. We trapped you Sinister Blade. As an assassin you should know that this loss of blood was the thread leading to you. Ni N I & m ft / / /« / IÂ: Y A This madness' has to stop. Hmph... You Ionians think yourselves above all accusation, but you’re nothing more than guard dogs of lies and manipulation. What do you mean? J j\ You protect an order with blind dedication... What kind of justice do yoj mean to serve ? & !/AÀ •cs. -it. These summoners deserved to die for the same reasons. fWhatN reasons ? Nobody is innocent.. Why should we listen to a murderer ? J You were an honourable , VL-v champion and now you ruined it all by coming here and killing an innocent! >v '/ v Death.. rtf X. i //V ' /V/ r im IX* • j
Was it...?J \[7 Yes... The^ f I Shadow Blade It is no use to run after her for now if Zed is still around. We may fall into a trap. > Let’s just wait... She has nothing else J to do in Ionia and we already J . know her destination. I" —l\ What are ou lookin: for, red lady ? What lies beneath the sand ? Which snakes did you awake...? Anyway, J Y you must f ¡J run for the truthYl!
How unexpected. What brings the Might of Demacia to Ionia ? ^^There is no celebrations yet. i think i a know what W you’re refer- y ring to. The \ murders, by the hands of the Sinister Blade ? My apologies.^ I wish I could have sent / word about my arrival, duchess, but \ * the things, have escalated \ out of \ control, i Ana you came to offer your help since you’re one oi the only warriors alive who can actually face her. And for what price ? With all due respect, I know you’re not the kind of woman who get ^/s\blinded by pride \ when the time calls for wisdom. I don’t pretend It's okay. I’m not \ questioning your \ abilities, Garen V Crownguard. / I know thanks to the uk fields of what you’re capable of. But this is an issue Ionia must handle alone just like did in the past. Your people suffered untold horrors in the ) past and you \ may... Maybe. I don’t know if the Sinister Blade actually provoked it or has discovered the key on how to stop it, but her actions cannot be >—" forgiven by those who protects the \/^ JJl Balance. _ Are you afraid she will get killed ? , Could it be related with the discoveries of the void ? Our elders saw in all this the coming of a new and terrible threat. / JA ’ Summoners ^ A are the guardians of peace in Valoran and her actions may trigger their wrath. I understand. But the information she got, maybe... f Don’t get me wrong, I know you’re acting for 4 your nation’s own good, but either Noxus nor v Demacia should get involved in such matters going beyond our comprehension. If our masters and the summoners from the Institute themselves could not deal about the ^^^k problems surrounding %r the Void, there is no chance belligerent nations like yours can. .. What? They would be useful to Demacia ? . Never become a monster to defeat one.
Ionia is still part of this world. And as long as you refuse to look the snake in the eyes, it may bite you from behind. However I won’t go against your will and I will leave if my presence k here is not wanted. But your presence has no meaning in these lands. I’m not dismissing , you. A Keeping your eyes shut won’t help. Very well^ T^Tf
summoners no matter who they are Ive made all this way to understand what’s V in your mind V Sinister Blade. Well well... Garen Crownguard. The vanguard’s captain so called “Might ^ of Demacia” Does your father’s disappearance justify so much blood spill ? They would have been punished one way or another. J ^You didn’t ® A. have to- I have no reason to :alk to you demacian I don’t care about the Void, the nexuses, Valor an, all the rest. Everyone knows about the League’s system to operate in Void s It summoning now This was what I expected somehow. But I won’t let you act as you please !! So that’s what you’ve been looking for all along. Alright l. then..
; game is over CrownguarcL
When she came to solve the plot about Relivash along with the prince...? I won’t kill you, Because I > actually owe you But I won’t repay the favour again Farewell v,); / If you I follow You look weakened by your fight, j Looking for something ? I’m not..l going anywhere for now How does he know?! Perhaps you should come with me. We monks know how to prepare a concotion of plants that will ease illness of the v mind. The road is this way, south to the harbour or northeast for the JL nearest village. Or maybe AYP you came to visit the >
Night's Aegis,LoL Comics,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы
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Вот нахрена ты это сделал? Зачем? Я же достаточно быстро и часто выкладываю перевод. Зачем ты спойлеришь?
Буду ждать перевода все равно.
жду перевод :)
Смотри мне RFS-81.Если ещё раз обидишь нашего всеми любимого переводчика(YanByan). Вычислю по ip и приеду со всем 6 Б к тебе на хату.Ты меня понял?Школота ебаная!
Да ладно... Меня никто не обижает, просто я не спойлерю и не люблю, когда другие так же поступают... Но и фиг с ним, сегодня выложу парочку страниц отдельным постом...
Какого фига? Гарен вообще не дрался. Пару раз заблокировал и разок отмахнулся. Ну ёёёёё, я думал, что щас будет эпик батл, и Гарен как всегда(в игре) уделает Катарину... эх...
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